President Obama Sets Low Standard in Sustainability Bill

PRESIDENT OBAMA has implemented new bills concentrated on creating new jobs, working to remove America from it’s foreign dependence on oil, and setting higher fuel emissions standards. Obviously, change is in the making in the White House. 482,000 new “green jobs” being created will help develop public works programs to sustain this nation in the new generation of green. However, questions have developed out of the fuel emission standards congress has set for our auto industries.
Congress has set a standard for cars produced by 2020: the lowest possible mileage, 35 mpg. This appears like a large change, but scientific advancements of the 1970’s humble this ideology. At the MIT Science fair of 1979, an engine was created that got 110 miles TO THE GALLON. Now, over 30 years later, an electric car has been recalled, “hybrid cadillac escalades” are marketed as “energy efficient,” and over half of our oil is imported. When Richard Nixon spoke of making America energy independent in his presidency, a third of our oil was imported.
Where is greenpeace and other activist organizations in the criticism of these proposed bills? Any change is good after the last peril and disaster in the previous incumbents administration, but president Barack must live up to the celebrity promises he made. Our standards are not being set high enough, and this time of disaster is a perfect opportunity to revamp our entire plans for infrastructure.
Forests continue to die quicker, gas prices fluctuate at questionable levels, and SUV’s still rule the road. Where is the Green Revolution that is marketed and sold to us?

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